Driven by high-quality professionals and managed by matured processes, Server4Sale helps forward-thinking companies achieve and surpass their business goals with web solutions that boost their business on the Internet. A trusted name in the field of IT since 1998.
Our Services
Powerful Servers, Sophisticated Security, Pioneering Solutions
Managed Hosting Services
Shared Hosting, Dedicated Server, Cloud Solution, Clustered, VPS, Load Balancer – You name it, we have it.
360° Security Solution
Our cyber-security suite covers everything from Anti-DDoS to WAF, Malware Protection and Removal.
Web Services
With our development process based on cutting edge frameworks, we deliver everything from inception till launch.
Dedicated server
Our state-of-the-art collection of New Series Enterprise-Grade dedicated servers with Management & Security.
DDoS Protection
Full website security with multi-layer unlimited DDoS protection from volumetric attacks.
Malware Protection
You can rely on our state-of-the-art system to scan your website for malware, hacks, and blacklist status.

Industries we serve
Server4Sale offers comprehensive plans of services multiple industries
We have customized plans and services for various businesses falling under different industries. Over the years we have provided security, hosting and website management services to thousands of businesses.